Q Final Paper New Attempt • Due Friday by 5pm • Points 50 • Submitting a file upload • File Types doc and docx • Available Dec 6 at 2am - Dec 12 at 11:59pm 7 days Summary: After reviewing all readings for this course, please write a final paper. Analyze one poem and one short story or play that you read during this course. When evaluating the poem, be sure to analyze it in terms of voice, word choice and order, imagery, the figures of speech used, sound, and form. In addition analyze any symbols, allegory, allusion, myth, and themes that arise in the poem. Explain your answers in detail. When evaluating the short story or play, analyze it in terms of plot, character, and theme. Be sure to include: • An outline of the plot • All of the round characters and an explanation of what makes them round • All of the flat characters and an explanation of what makes them flat • Any symbols, allegories, or myths included within the story • An explanation of the story’s overarching theme Be sure to cite information that supports your analysis and explain all of your answers in detail. Your completed final paper should be 5-7 pages. All submissions should be formatted in a 12 point Times New Roman font. Your answer should contain paraphrased information from at least one valid source other than your textbook, and all citations and references should be properly cited in APA format PreviousNext
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